
How to move WordPress blog to Blogger.

Move contents (post, image,video etc.) from WordPress To Blogger

If you want to transfer your blog from WordPress to Blogger, now I will try to talk you out of it. The main problem you need to find a solution for is the various file types.

When you export your content will all media file from WordPress it produces an WXR file format, that Blogger cannot import as it uses the XML file format.
move from wordpress to blogger
Switch from WordPress to Blogger

Convert xml to wxr

There is a solution: Convert your WordPress WXR file into a Blogger XML format and your import will be done.

Even, you can move from a free hosted WordPress.com blog or a self-hosted WordPress.org powered site to Blogger.

The 3 steps will be needed:

Exporting your content in a WXR file
Converting your WXR file to XML format
Importing your XML file to Blogger

WordPress bloggers follow these steps:

Step 1. Export Contents (post, page, media etc) From WordPress

Login to your WordPress Dashboard

Click on the Tools tab

Click on the Export tab

Save the file to your local computer (PC)

It will be WordPress WXR file on your local computer

Click convert and your WordPress content will be converted from WXR to XML

Step 2. How to Import Posts to Blogger

Login to your Blogger Dashboard

Click the Create a Blog link if you want to import your WordPress content to a new blogger site or go to your existing blog dashboard.

Go to setting > Other > Import content and import your WordPress content in XML format to Blogger

Now you can publish your imported posts to your Blogger blog.

Remark: The maximum file size you can convert from WordPress WXR to Blogger XML format is 1mg

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