
Releasing Google+ Buttons Shortcode For Blogger!

Nowadays, Bloggers are using mainly three buttons in their blog - Twitter, Facebook & Google+. As you know, we already released Facebook like button, share button, send button & follow button and we also released twitter tweet and follow buttons shortcode for blogger and now, its time for Google+ Buttons shortcode for blogger. In this Google+ Button shortcode, we included a types of buttons which are - with horizontal or vertical counter, without counter, small buttons, large buttons, medium buttons and more types of Google+ buttons. Actually, you can add all types of Google+ buttons using this shortcode anywhere on your blog. Anywhere means- on sidebar, on header, on footer, on comments and on between words in post content too! This shortcode is created by Blogger Guiders and the shortcode plugin is created by my blogger tricks blog and the buttons are created by Google (as you already know).

Our previous two posts were not about shortcodes because we were thinking to publish something different. If you eat similar food each day, we get bored. Right? And now, we are again with a new fabulous shortcode. We had also released one more shortcode which were related to Google+'s widget which were- Google+ Badge that lets you add a Google+ badge anywhere anytime! So don't forget to look at that shortcode also. :)

Now, this one is the completion social shortcode because we have created shortcodes of three most famous social sites which are Facebook, Twitter & Google+. If you want to request any shortcode to us, you can request us here. But don't forget to add Request to Blogger Guiders in bold letters because writing your shortcode request. We would feel great if you request us a shortcode.

Now, let's come to how to add this Google+ button shortcode on Blogger.

How to implement the Google+ Buttons Shortcode in Blogger? 

Now its time to learn how to implement this shortcode on your blogger blog.

Steps are following:
  • Go to Blogger Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML
  • Now, click anywhere on blogger html editor and press Ctrl + F buttons from your keyboard.
  • A search box will appear. Type '</body>' in that search box and press enter.
  • Now, above '</body>', place the following URL:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://yourjavascript.com/5015419535/publishing-shortcode.js"></script>
<script async="async" src="https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js"></script> 
  • Save your template and your half work is done!

How to Use this Google+ Button Shortcode in Blogger?

Now, its time to learn how to 'use' this shortcode in your sidebar, comments and on posts too!
  • Think, if you want to create a Google+ button for Blogger Guiders, with width 450px, size medium and with counter. Then, you can you below like code:
[gbutton url='http://bloggerguiders.blogspot.com' size='medium' type='count' width='450'/]
  • Save it, and it will get converted into a nice Google +1 button.

Suitable Attributes for Google+ Button:

Here are the suitable attributes that you can use in customizing and configuring Google+ Button shortcode. 

Attribute DefinitionValues
Points to the url or address of the website for which you are going to add the button.
  • Url
Sets the width of the Google+ Badge you’re going to add. Default is 300px
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Standard
  • Tall
Sets to show which type of +1 button you want. With counter or without counter.
  • None
  • Bubble
  • Inline
Sets the width of the +1 button. Maximum if 450+ and minimum is 50.
  • width
Sets the direction of alignment you want of +1 button.
  • Left
  • Right
Sets the direction in which you want +1 to be expanded.
  • Top
  • Right
  • Bottom
  • Left

For More Information, Navigate to Google Developers

Final Words from Author

I hope you liked this Shortcode that lets you add Google+'s +1 button in seconds anywhere anytime you want. If you have any confusion with an attribute, then feel free to leave a nice comment below. We'll solve your contusion in minutes. Thanks!

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