
Why and How to Write Guest Blogs?

These days, you  will  notice an  increased trend of writing and  posting  guest posts.  Do you have any idea what they actually are? Guest post is basically a piece  of  writing,  which  you  write  but  post on someone else  blog or site.  Now  you must be thinking what can be  the  purpose behind posting your content  on  someone  else  site . Actually,  in  your content  that you post  on  others blogs, you embed your site’s  link,  which  gives  your  site an opportunity to be visited by  those, who  would have never intended to.  Isn’t it  amazing?  Besides  this,  there are many  other  pros,  which  are  associated  with writing guest posts.

Read: How to Write Your Blog in a Successful Series

These benefits are as follows:


 Increased Traffic on Site

To have more traffic on the blog or site is one of the utmost needs of the site owner and for this; the best is to write blog posts, as they help in attracting the traffic of other blogs to your site.

Have you noticed that all site owners make efforts in order to make their sites visible on the web? Guest posting is one of the best tools available these days with which they can increase their online visibility.

More Online Influence

This type of blogging influences the readers more, as your content is available on someone else site, which makes it more authentic. The best part is that this influence can be on personal as well as professional level. Keep in mind that this approach will not only increase influence but also your authority and credibility.

How to write a guest post?

Now the question is when we know that writing a guest post can be that effective then how we should write it. Keep in mind that writing a guest post is not something difficult. You just have to focus on information while creating a quality content. Besides this, you need to understand that your
content will be posted on someone else site, which is why presenting your brand in an effective way will be an indispensable need. Do not forget to add author’s biography or resource box in the end in which you will provide little information about your company and its services.

Tips for Writing Guest Blogs

If someone would say that writing a guest blog is an art then it will not be wrong. Do not forget that the other site owner has the right to accept or reject your content. Thus, it is vital to write it in a creative manner. Here are few tips and tricks, which you can consider while writing a guest blog
in order to avoid maximum rejections. These handy tips and tricks are as follows:

Define your Goals

The first and the foremost tip to write an effective guest post is to define your goals first. Do you want to write it for increasing traffic and publicity, for improving relations with other bloggers, or anything else? Once you will be aware of your goals then find out the relevant blog where you can
publish your blogs.

Read Guidelines of the Other Blog

It is highly recommended not to write any post without reading the guidelines of the other blog site. This approach will increase the chances of content acceptability.

Same Niche but Unique Content

Keep in mind that the blog owners will accept your piece of writing if it will be for the same niche but having unique information in it to grab and facilitate more readers with ease. Here you need to understand that blogs with specific themes have 100% chances of acceptability by other blog

Blog with Acceptable Length

Last but not the least, try to write a post with acceptable length. Neither too short not too long guest posts are preferable. It has been usually noticed that bloggers prefer to accept guest post of 500 to 800 words.

In nutshell, consider all these above-mentioned points and write a guest post to enjoy its benefits.

Author bio:
This guest post is written by Yim Virak who is a professional blogger. Yim has written lots of guest posts on different topics such as, Top Web Hosting reviews, Social Media, online business, Famous Business Quotes, guest blogging, etc.
If you would like to write for bloggertrix, check our guest posting guidelines

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