
Google Penguin - What To Do If You Have Been Hit

Google is the very popular search engine. With the motive of making money the Google also  wants to give good service to the customer’s .As completion is increasing day  by day  so  Google  improves its search technology  by  launching new and good se- arching algorithms. Penguin is  one of them which is launched  to  improve  the  search technology of the  Google.  The Penguin  algorithm   gives   best result to the user and  avoids the  websites containing  poor quality  websites.The  algorithm  is best as well as its result are superb.  The Google invest money  to  improve  its  technology   and  to  serve better to the  people  that’s why new algorithms are introduced by the Google.

Unique Feature of the Penguin Algorithm

This is new version of the Penguin as lunched by the Google. The penguin algorithm only shows good content written websites and keywords that are entered by the user in the search box. The redundant content is avoided by the algorithms and spam websites are easily detected by the search engines.

Websites that are affected by the Penguin

The websites that contain poor content and are spam are easily detected by the algorithm. The Google sends notification to the owner of the websites. All these websites take space and are not useful at all. Google takes decision against these websites. To optimize the website black hat techniques are used which is totally opposed by the penguin.

Ways to get top rank by beating the Penguin

Only white hat techniques are supported by the Penguin so good quality content must be add in the websites. By adding the image or current news column in the website top rank can be easily getting the Google. The use of the anchor tag is highly recommended.

The Google search algorithm ranks first those websites which uses good SEO strategies and are
user friendly. Penguin algorithm works on simple concept and there is no need to put any extra
affords to make the website penguin friendly. It only needs to use the quality content and good
information. The SEO techniques used must be used and efficient to do internet marketing.

Benefits from the Penguin Algorithm

Blogs can easily get the good rank and these are the penguin friendly too. They contain useful information and there are very less blogs scam found in comparison to others. So blogs networks can be easily establish and all this helps the owner to get the good rank in the search engine as well as it will be very beneficial for the person online business. The directories used by the algorithm contain only top level quality data so when links are created they must have some quality otherwise it will be ignored by the penguin and shown in the search result at very least rank. Penguin mainly launched to totally oppose the poor quality content. So when one want to have good rank the owner will use only good quality and then it leads to the decrease in the scams or poor content websites. Penguin main focuses on removing the poor content from the internet so that the user gets good and useful information only.

Author Bio:
Sofiya is an experience writer and she has been writing on different topics like SEO ,
web hosting and more info. Please check out his latest website GoDaddy reviews.
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