
Coronavirus: Rihanna donates RM22mil to fight Covid-19 pandemic

Everyone tries to help the people to fight against coronavirus pandemic. It is very important for the whole world to work unanimously to end this panic. You can also analyze that there is no restriction and boundaries for this pandemic today.

The first news we received that Pop star Rihanna’s foundation donated US$5 million to fight the coronavirus disease. This is a very good initiative of foundation.   

Covid-19", "coronavirus", "Rihanna, entertainment, foundation
Rihanna In A Interview

Actually, Rihanna's foundation (Clara Lionel Foundation) is a completely non-profit organization. This organization works for education and emergency programs worldwide.

This foundation was established by this singer-actress when she was 32-year-old. She started this foundation after her grandparents, whose name was Clara and Lionel Braithwaite.  

Foundation said during releasing the press release last Saturday that the donation will for Direct Relief, America, Feeding and health partner. 

As well as the foundation will also help the World Health Organization’s Covid-19 Solidarity Response fund.

The best part of help is that the foundation will not discriminate against anyone. Everyone will get help because they said in the statement that the world is affected form this pandemic, so relief should be for everyone.     

Celebrities are also helping Rihanna foundation in terms of donations to fight to the pandemic.

A good amount of donation given by the American celebrity couple Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively to this non-profit relief organizations. 

The amount is US$1mil (RM4.4mil). So many other celebrities also came forward to help this organization like - American singer Ciara, Footballer Russell Wilson.

We think this is the best way to strengthen the real non-profit organization So that they work smoothly and effectively for the benefit of the world’s people. 

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