
Redirect Blog-spot Blog to Custom Domain Step By Step Guide.

This tutorial about redirecting your old blogspot.com blog to your new blogger custom domain.Now I am going to show you to on redirecting your old blog (blognucleus.blogspot.com) to your custom domain (blognucleus.com).

Then, I will guide you in redirecting open URL (non www URL) to the www URL. After then I will guide you how to update your site links and other services with your new domain.
Forwarding Blogspot Blog to Custom Domain.

Redirect Blog-spot Blog to Custom Domain

Redirect Blogspot Blog to Custom domain-

  1.  Login into your Blogger dashboard >> Settings >> Basic >> Publishing >> Blog address

  2.  Now click on Add a custom domain >> Switch to Advanced Settings.

  3.  Enter your domain name with a ‘www’ as the below image. Eg- www.example.com

How to forward blogspot blog to custom domain-

Select No in ‘Use a missing files host?’ option. Select save and you are done it.
Forwarding Naked URL to ‘www’ URL

Open URL is that URL which doesn’t contain a ‘www’ in at first. Think you have registered a domain named blgnucleus.com and then you set up your blog on that custom domain by following the above process.But there is still one problem present to solve. After successfully setting up your blog will be a custom domain. if you enter the open URL (such as only example.com) then it would display a 404 error. You can access only by the URL: www.blognucleus.com. You need to redirect the open URL (blognucleus.com) to the www URL, to solve this problem.

Follow these instruction to redirect the naked URL (Without www) to the correct URL.

   1. Login into your Blogger dashboard >> Settings >> Basic >> Publishing >> Blog address

   2. Click on Edit >> Check the option ‘Redirect blognucleus.com to  www.blognucleus.com

Click on save. That’s all!

organize Site Links and other Services

After redirecting your blog to custom (Registered) domain, the internal links within your blog do not change robotically. You need to change them physically.

   1. Check for internal links on your all blog post and fix it.

   2. Open you new blog’s HTML template and search for your old knowledgeinfi.com links and manually change them to the new link with the ‘www’ prefix.

   3. If you use Feedburner on your blog. Go to feeds.feedburner.com and revise your feed locations to the new blog address and blog’s RSS address.

Additionally you need to change the following links.

    1. Face book/Twitter/Stumble upon/LinkedIn and other social media networking sites.

    2. Forum signatures.

    3. Mutual link exchanges. You can forward an email to the other blogger to inform the new link.

You wouldn’t able to rewrite comment-luv comment links on other blogs, don’t be worry about it because the old blog links will be forwarded to the new blog’s address. After few days Google will re-indexes your all new blog’s URL, then you will get back all the back links.

In this procedure, you will drop your Google PR and Alexa rank but you will ultimately get back them without any difficult task.

Last word

Do you have any worries about this process? I would like to text from you, so do leave a valuable comment.Thanks.

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