
16 Untold SEO Secrets for BlogSpot Blogs

Best SEO Techniques For Blogger Blogs - All we chased and rushed in 2017 after the success but some of us failed and some got to succeed. We shouldn't lose our hopes and now let's turn our dreams into realities together and this is only possible when you make yourself visible to the world.

SEO tips for BlogSpot

Today is the day when we make our ranking better than ever. Today is the day when we maintain our business professionally. Today is the day when we achieve search engine ranking and reputation.

In order to maintain your online business, I have collected some useful and helpful tips that will not only increase your readers but will also attract the search engines towards your blogger/website. SEO is the most important part of a blogger. Content writing is the easy task but it needs to be a little bit technical minded. There are many useful tips mentioned in this post so read one by one interestingly. Let's do it and prove it.

1. Use Mobile Friendly Blogger Template

The World loves the mobile phones and Google too. If you want to receive more traffic on your blogger, use only responsive blogger templates.

Read Also: Fastest Loading Blogger Themes for Incredible SEO

How do I know if my blogger template is responsive or not?

Go to the Google mobile friendly testing tool and check whether the template is responsive or not.

2. Make Site Navigation Clean and Clear

Site navigation is another important task for blogger. Your site navigation works like a map where a reader goes to the different sections and labels. I assume if you want to add the SEO Tips in your blogger menu, provide the links with labels like http://www.knigulper.com/search/label/SEO.

Check out: Blogger Numbered Page Navigation With CSS Design

3. Make your Blogger template Easy to Load

I think you've probably visited the sites that take too long time to load. This is because of the bundle of CSS and JavaScript present in their templates.

How do I Make my blogger easy to load?

There are many resources available on the internet which offers CSS and JavaScript free hosting. However, I recommend you to host your CSS and JavaScript on Google drive or Github.

Check out: How to Load Google Fonts Faster in Blogger

4. Give your Blogger a Unique Title

Let me tell you about my blogger title. Two years ago I created a blog on Blogspot with the title "techy Source" and surprisingly, I never found it in search engines without placing the whole link of my blogger site in google search bar. And later, I decided to create a blog with the unique title so I started the searching with different titles but every time I found thousands of search results for each title. I took a rest and then searched for "Knigulper" in google and luckily, Google shows "Sorry your search results didn't match any document" and I picked up "Knigulper" hurriedly and my blogging passion began.

Check out: How to Develop Influential Blog Post Titles and Headlines

5. Give your Contents Unique Title

If you search the google "how to add author bio-box in blogger" your search results will bring the only unique titles. Avoid writing those titles which are already existed. Now it's a time to be a little bit different. As I earlier mentioned, "how to add author bio-box in blogger" is already existed on the web. Make a change in your content title and it should be like "Show author bio-box in blogger" or "Add latest author bio-box in blogger".

Check out: Why You Need To Research The Blog Post Title?

6. Permalink Relevancy

Whenever you write the posts in your Blogger, the automatic Permalink is eating up the words/characters within it. This is because of it doesn't allow to write lengthy content titles. Suppose, your blogger post title is "download beautiful blogger templates" the automatic permalink will only calculate the few words/characters. In this situation, click the "custom permalink" and include all words/characters that you have mentioned in your blogger content title and separate each word with a hyphen "-".

Here is the example of Automatic Permalink and Custom Permalink:

Automatic Permalink: 2017/01/download-beautiful-blogger.html

Custom Permalink: 2017/01/download-beautiful-blogger-templates.html

Note: Do not type you blogger homepage address and .html in custom URL, and as they will be added automatically.

Why Should I focus on Permalink?

A permalink is the address of a web page, blog post, video, image etc. and it shows the relevance of your content title that brings the results in Google as per the user query.

7. Avoid Bad format contents

Sometimes, we write lengthy blogger posts in which we require to mention the types, differences, categories and so on. Therefore, divide your lengthy contents into easy and relevant parts. In case you want to mention the items and their stock price and quality, draw the table of items so that they can be grouped and arranged easily. A sitemap is a good example. Have a look here

Why should I Divide the lengthy posts?

Bad format and non-professional writing disturb the blogger readers and hence they do not understand what have you published.

Check out: How to Split Long Blogger Post Into 3 Parts

8. Use Relevant Opening lines

Many times you try to write a blog post and you know all about it but the problem is; you cannot decide where to start. In this situation, take a deep breath and come back later with self-confidence. Believe me, you are a philosopher. Start writing the few lines at the beginning of your blog post.

Check out: Killer Words to Make a Catchy Headline

I still can't decide what to write?

I assume, your blog post is about web hosting. Describe the hosting in few lines and next mention the names of few hosting companies and describe the hosting plans, benefits, and features for each separately.

9. Add Images in your Blogger Posts

Images are the great resources to catch the readers attention. It defines the meaning of your content itself. It also increases the search engine optimization. I have already discussed the importance of images in SEO and how to achieve. You can read more about the images and SEO from  Increase Your Blogger SEO With Images

Note: Do not copy the images from the other websites without their consent, design your images from photo designer software or use online image designer.

10. Use Blockquotes around the Codes

Words are not enough to explain the things but we need to write a piece of code in blogger posts. But do you know codes without blockquotes makes the web crawlers confused?

Check out: Stylish Blockquote Designs for Blogger

Should I do not publish the codes in my blogger posts?

Publish the codes as much as you need but use <blockquote> or <code> tag. When web crawlers visits your pages, posts with <blockquote> or <code> tag, they understand that there's a piece of code to index.

11. Share your Contents with Social Media

No matter whether you are running a personal or business blog, create brand pages on social media to grow your audience.

Check out: Latest Social Media Marketing Tools

How do I share my blogger post separately on Social media?

You are not living in 1947. Latest technologies have made everything possible for us. Read Auto Sharing Blog Posts On Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and App.Net)

12. Search Console: The SEO Angel

Register your blogger with major search engines like Google, Bing etc. This is the ultimate tool for better search engine optimization.

How do I register my Blogger with Google and Bing?

This is not a difficult task it needs just a few minutes to complete the process. I have published a tutorial How to Submit Blogger Sitemap to Google and Bing with Practical Examples

13. Create an Unbreakable Chain

Link your old post to your newly published posts it creates an unbreakable chain for both search engines and blog readers.

Check out: Consequences of Dramatical Link Building Practices

14. Check Outdated Posts

You might have published your blogger contents years ago but now they are outdated. Go to your old posts and make necessary changes.

Why should I edit my old blogger posts?

Your old and outdated blogger posts make your readers disappoint either they are not modern typed or they do not work anymore. I assume, your old blogger post was about "how to make a sweet dish". As I earlier mentioned, latest technologies and development have changed our lifestyle. Years ago we used just a few things to make a dish but now we all are using the many things to make a dish tastier and sweeter.

15. Be Clear and Honest

Since I opened the eyes, I got interested in blogging and now I am 24/7/365 connected to it. I have found the many resources on the internet but some of them are false and fake and some are very useful and helpful. When your blogger readers find that your contents (tutorials) are false, they no longer believe in your blogger. No matter how many working posts have you published. They just skip you blogger site in search results.

16. Create a Demo Blog

Sometimes, we just publish the tutorials and even we do not know whether they work or not and the process goes on. Therefore, I recommend you to create a demo blog where you can test your tutorials and skills.

17. Be Communicated and Kind

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