
Major Issue Fixed With Blogger's HTTPS Feature!

As we all know, the feature, HTTPS from blogger got flopped because of it's disadvantages. It's disadvantaged are more than some of it's advantages as said by some Bloggers. That's why, probably, you might have been already noticed that none of the blogger blogs with Blogspot subdomain have enabled it except some bloggers. Maybe, because they might not have read posts by Bloggers that are against of this new feature.

Three days ago, I was just surfing on the net (as always) and then, I came across MBT, a popular blogger blog's article. I saw and read their, the 5 Major Disadvantages of using HTTPS for Blogger and then decided to solve those 5 Major barriers + the three reasons that we had published recently.

The primary disadvantages that were reported by Bloggers (MBT, Blogger Guider) were:
  1. We will need to change BlogSpot images' URL to get that "Secured" or green sign: Actually when Google Blogger hadn't introduced the feature of HTTPS, Picasa (where the images get stored that you upload on Blogger) had not any SSL-certificate but now, it has one. So, the problem that was reported by MBT was, we will have to change all the images' URL and replace all HTTP:// from the starting of image URLs of Picasa to HTTPS:// to get that green lock sign. - FIXED BY BLOGGER TEAM
  2. HTTP is not 301 redirected to HTTPS: For redirection, a developer uses two types of redirection for explaining what kind of redirection they are going to do. Mainly, the types of redirections are: 
    1. 301: Permanent Redirect
    2. 302: Temporary Redirect
    Now, if you want to redirect your old blog to newer blog, you should use 301 Permanent Redirect because it will send all (almost) link juice from old URL to new URL. So, it means that you will not lose your ranking in search engines.
    And, if you are not redirecting a URL to another URL permanently, saying, you will start working soon on the URL that you are redirecting, then you may use 302 method but it doesn't pass any link juice from the redirector URL to the URL in which it is getting redirected.

    After all, Blogger doesn't redirect http://abc.blogspot.com to https://abc.blogspot.com using 301 method; it will help you lose your page ranking. And, it doesn't even redirect from http://abc.blogspot.com to https://abc.blogspot.com using any method. - FIXED BY BLOGGER GUIDER
  3. HTTPS Feature Can Reduce Adsense Earnings: This will because Adsense will show only HTTPS secured ads. So, it can reduce Adsense earnings.
    MBT Reported: AdSense will restrict your ads to those that are SSL-compliant and will not shows ads on your site which are using HTTP! - NOT FIXED BECAUSE IT CAN ONLY BE SOLVED BY ADSENSE TEAM
  4. After Enabling HTTPS, Your Widgets Will Stop Working: - This is true. Some of your widgets will stop working if they are attached to any external resources or if their main script or main CSS is stored externally and in an unsecured host. - FIXED BY BLOGGER GUIDER (almost)

How To Fix The Issue If They're FIXED?

If, you are looking for solutions then you would have to wait for few days because, in this post, we are going to only show that and inform you that Blogger Team has fixed the first issue with this new feature. 

We are going to start a set of series and titles are here:

Unsecured Images Issue With Blogger's HTTPS Feature Has Been Solved!

Well, I don't know that blogger team has fixed it by reading any article on the web on realized its mistake but, the conclusion is, they have solved the issue with unsecured images, and now they turn them into secured by alternate ways [discussed below].

What Was The Issue?

The issue was, whenever you try to add images from free servers or using a non-HTTPS URL, the green lock that appears in the address bar of Google Chrome or Firefox gets changed into Redish Yellow that shows that the page could be unsecured.

What Has Got Updated?

Earlier, (before this update), whenever a blogger adds any image from a free host or from a non-HTTPS secured host, the page shows reddish-yellow lock at the address bar and the image that gets appeared using the same URL.

Now cleared? Let me clear it for you.

If, a blogger has typed this in a Blogger blog post:
<img src='http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-xUTz31Te0Cc/VjTZaRCAtgI/AAAAAAAAPqA/wiy1Px81R-U/image%25255B99%25255D.png?imgmax=800'/>
<img src='http://s12.postimg.org/3lto979r1/screenshot_118.png'/>
Then the Blog post gets processed with the same image URLs.

After The Update:
Now, if a blogger has typed this in a blog post:
<img src='http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-xUTz31Te0Cc/VjTZaRCAtgI/AAAAAAAAPqA/wiy1Px81R-U/image%25255B99%25255D.png?imgmax=800'/>
<img src='http://s12.postimg.org/3lto979r1/screenshot_118.png'/>
Then, Blogger does not process the same URLs but it processes these URLs:
<img src='//lh3.googleusercontent.com/-xUTz31Te0Cc/VjTZaRCAtgI/AAAAAAAAPqA/wiy1Px81R-U/image%25255B99%25255D.png?imgmax=800'/>
<img src='https://images-blogger-opensocial.googleusercontent.com/gadgets/proxy?url=http://s12.postimg.org/3lto979r1/screenshot_118.png&container=blogger&gadget=a&rewriteMime=image/*'/> 
So now, you are not required to replace or change any image URL with the secured one as told in MBT article. You are not even required to change any image that you are using in background-image in CSS.

Final Words

This is the first blog post about this update and fixes on the net. Blogger team is working very hard in giving their users, an easy and SEO optimized blogging. This was my deep research about blogger's HTTPS strategy. Now, I can only say that please share it so everyone will get to know about this unique information. Thanks!

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