
Understanding What Is Blogger & How It Is Useful For Normal Peoples

We (bloggers) are here, in Google Blogger from some decades. But do you know? Most of the blogger don't even know how to change the class of a div container. I am not going to say that the people who don't know these little things are a donkey. Because they are new in Blogger [Most of them]. So, for those bloggers who don't know the basics of Blogging, Google Blogger and SEO, we are here today to tell them all.

I have seen many peoples who just ask some communities for help. The way they ask for help is weird. Because they say directly - "Do this", "I need this", "make this". They never try to make something by their hands. So, today we are here to introduce Blogger Guider's new series- "How To Become a Blogger". The name of this series sounds simple and straightforward, but it is not like that. We would tell every hard & easy thing about blogging in an easy and simple way. We are going to start this series only to help the people who are unable to understand Blogger interface, SEO and want to become a professional Blogger.

The word "Professional Blogger" comes in the mouth of every person blogging in Blogger or WordPress nowadays. Even in the mouth of individuals who don't even know the basics of Blogger and SEO but want to learn about it. They search for different things at different places and get different answers and at last, they get confused and decide to leave or decrease the time wastage in Blogging.

So, if you are also a person like that, then welcome to new Blogger Guider with its new series, "How To Become a Blogger". We will tell you everything about Blogging which is necessary to grow your blog and earn decent income every month.

What Are The Topic We Are Going To Publish?

We have decided to publish some posts in this series. We have already decided the titles of the future posts and share them here:
These were all the posts we are going to publish soon. As, we will not publish them daily, you can just subscribe us using below button to get the posts in your Inbox directly!
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Why Did We Decide To Publish These Posts?

Not you might be thinking that why we are going to publish these posts. It is because we want to let the peoples [ordinary] come in blogging. There are many computer engineer and some specialists who have sufficient degree and age to work in an office but because of any reason, they are not able to do so. So, in this case, they can just write about them, about their talent and about what they like to people about them and their knowledge. If, you are not a Blogger but wants to be, then please subscribe us and start studying the Interesting Chapter Of Blogging!

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