Summary Of Posts On Series "How To Be A Blogger!"
At last, today, we have completed the series "How To Become A Blogger". This series is very popular these days on Blogger Guider. Every article of this series has got a decent amount of pageviews and for that, I would like to thank you. I hope you have learned all the things about Blogging. Like, how to make a blog, how to create a template, how to buy a template, how to do profitable advertisement, what is SEO, how to do SEO, what are the types of SEO and of course, how to become a Pro-Blogger and what is a Pro-Blogger.
This is the first detailed series on Google-powered Blogger about Blogger. In this series, we have discussed the basics and advanced things of Blogging. So today, we are not here to just inform you that the series has been completed, but also here to give you the summary of all the posts that have helped many and can help you too if you read them with your eyes and concentration of your brain. We have done our best to give you the knowledge of advanced things and basics things of blogging in simple sentences, and we also have taken care of the quality of the posts. Let us see the summary of the posts followed by their previews with their URLs.
This is the first detailed series on Google-powered Blogger about Blogger. In this series, we have discussed the basics and advanced things of Blogging. So today, we are not here to just inform you that the series has been completed, but also here to give you the summary of all the posts that have helped many and can help you too if you read them with your eyes and concentration of your brain. We have done our best to give you the knowledge of advanced things and basics things of blogging in simple sentences, and we also have taken care of the quality of the posts. Let us see the summary of the posts followed by their previews with their URLs.
1. Understanding What Is Blogger & How Is It Useful
This one was the post in which we had told you that we are going to start the series. However, it was also a post of the series. In this post, we had told you what Blogger is and how it is useful for ordinary peoples and why those ordinary individuals need to start blogging. As it's a summary, let us write some more about this post.
Blogger is a blog publishing platform that is one of the most famous and best blog creators in the whole word. It is a Google powered blog creator that gives individuals, the ability to earn for free. Blogger has many SEO settings and nothing in blogger is for paid users because all things in Blogger are free!
For more info, visit the series post:
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2. Can A Person Stay Dependent On Blogging?
Can I stay dependent on my blog?- This question comes in the mind of every second blogger in the word. The reason is, Blogging needs so much time. In this post, we have cleared this question that, can a person stay dependent on blogging and if yes, then how. What are things that can help you to remain dependent on blogging.
For more info, visit the series post:
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3. How To Create An Awesome Blog For FREE?
In this parent tutorial, we have told you how to build a free blog by using Google powered blogger and also, how to choose or upload a template in your blog and make it awesome. We have also uploaded a video that clearly shows the steps by which you can create a blog with blogger.
For more info, visit the series post:
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4. How To Create A Blogger Template And Is It Necessary?
In this post, we told that how to build your free template, what is the code required to start creating a free template and if you don't know how to code, then from where and what are the best places from where you can buy an elegant template at a cheap price.
For more info, visit the series post:
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5. How To Improve Your Writing Skills?
This post was published before the series was planned but now, it is attached to the series "How To Become A Blogger." It has a great role because this tutorial will help you, or if you have already read, then it has contributed you to improve your writing skills. It is needed to improve your writing skills because writing skills play a significant role in making your blog readable and increase its readability and decrease the bounce rate.
For more information, visit the series post:
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6. What Is SEO? Supporter Or Maker?
The newbies that are coming like a crowd in this blog-o-sphere nowadays don't think about their content. What they think about SEO is- A magic code, that will pull their blog's URL from the bottom of Google to first in the Google's search result. Clearing this myth about SEO, we have told them a good lesson about what is SEO and is it supporter for your blog or maker for your blog.
For more information, visit the series post:
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7. Basic & Required SEO Tricks For Bloggers
After telling what is SEO and clearing the myth about SEO from the minds of newbies, we had introduced some basic and required SEO tricks to newbies. The methods that will support their blog, not make it!
For more info, visit the series post:
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8. How To Do Beneficial Advertising And From Where?
After telling about how to create templates, blogs and what is SEO, now we had told about advertising. We have introduced Online advertising in this article that is a guest post from a member of Blogger Guider, Nafees Khan. He has shown some ways from which you can advertise your blog at cheap rates.
For more info, read the series post:
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9. How To Be A Pro-Blogger And For That, What Things Are Required?
This was the last post of the series, How To Become A Blogger in which we had told you what the necessary things are and what should be the things inside a blogger according to which, we could say him a "Pro-Blogger." In this post, we had also told you that what is a Pro-Blogger and what are the characteristics of a Pro-Blogger.
For more information, visit the series post:
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Final Words
I hope you have learned enough about blogging from this long and detailed posts' collection. And one more thing that I hope from you is, you will share this post because for the peoples who want to earn money online, should know all the information about this series. If you have liked this series, please share your views about it below, in comments or share this in twitter to get a retweet. Thanks!
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