
Basic & Required SEO Tips & Tricks For Newbie Bloggers

We have taught you what SEO is. Now, let us further see how to do SEO. If you have read the post about SEO, then you may have info about what is the full form of SEO and how it help us. Now, let me tell you that the definition of SEO is infinitely long. Every day, Bloggers research about new SEO tips and tricks and share in their blogs.

Today, we are going to tell you some SEO tips and some tricks that are fundamental and required too for Bloggers if they want their blog to be popular. Further, you would implement some codes and do some setting from your blogger dashboard to give your blog's stats a boost because after applying the tricks and tips we are going to share in this post, you will get enough impressions and clicks from Search Engines like Google and Bing and Yahoo!.

Note: - As we have already told that SEO is a slow process, so don't be disappointed if your blog's stats are low. You will get a hike after six months of hard work in your blog's stats.

1. Submit Your Sitemap On Google & Bing Webmasters!

There was a significant addition from blogger team that they had added sitemaps to all blog that are hosted in Blogger. You can view yours by adding sitemap.xml after your blog's URL.

In our case, the sitemap URL is:
Now, the use of this sitemap is to provide URLs to search engine to index. To provide URLs to search engine, you have to submit your sitemap to major search engines, e.g., Google & Bing.

How To Submit Your Sitemap To Google?

To submit sitemap to Google, follow these easy as ABC steps:
  1. Go to Google Webmaster
  2. Now, sign up with your regular Gmail password.
  3. You will reach this page after signing-up:
  4. Reached?
  5. Now, click on Add A Property button (as shown in the picture).
  6. A new pop-up will appear. Put your blog's URL in that box and click the "Continue" button.
  7. Now, on the next page, you will see two tabs. First- "Recommended Method" and second- "Alternate Method."
  8. Switch to "Alternate Method" tab and choose "HTML Tag" option from the list given.
  9. Choose HTML tag Option
  10. Now, go to Blogger > Template > Edit HTML
  11. And copy the code from the Google Webmaster page and paste it below <head> in your template.
  12. Save your template and click on the red "Verify" button from Google Webmaster page.
  13. Now, you have verified your site, and ready to submit sitemap!
  14. In the next page, you would see a menu on the left side of the page.
  15. Choose "Crawl" from that menu and by the new menu, choose "Sitemap".
  16. In the next page, you will see a red "Add/Test Sitemap" button. Click it and type sitemap.xml in the opened box and click "Submit Sitemap" button.
  17. CLick Submit
  18. Now, your sitemap has been submitted to Google. 
Note: - To submit the sitemap to Bing, navigate here.

2. Enable Robot Header Tags

Robot header tags make you able to set which type of pages you want to allow search engines to index and which to not. We have done the best SEO setting for robot header tags for you already. Just follow these steps:
  • Go to Blogger > Settings > Search Preference.
  • Now, you have to edit the "Custom robot header tags" heading same as below:
Enable It
  • Now, click on Save changes and you are done with it!

    3. Optimize Title Tag

    Optimizing title tag and showing the post's title fist is a smart way to get more traffic from your blog. Please follow these steps to show post's title only in post pages to get more clicks from search engines:
    1. Go To Blogger > Template > Edit HTML
    2. Now, search for <title> in your template.
    3. Now, remove the code from <title> to </title>.
    4. Now, add this code after <head> in your template:

    5. <title itemprop='name'>
      <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
      <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;error_page&quot;'>
      Page Not Found |<data:blog.title/>
    6. Now, Save your template.

    4. Enable Meta Description

    Using this SEO setting, you can provide the correct description of your post and blog to Search engine bots. It's simple and easy. Just follow these easy steps:
    • Go to Blogger > Settings > Search Preference
    • Now, you will get "Meta Description" heading. Edit it.
    [stylishimg img='http://s1.postimg.org/m8vhukqe7/screenshot_59.png' cap='Change The Description According To Your Blog' alt='Change Description According To Your Blogger Blog'/]
    • Save setting and you're done!

    Final Words

    I hope you have liked this series. This was the last post of the series "How To Become A Blogger". We will publish the summary of this series soon (within a couple of days). If you have liked this series, please share it with your friends and of course, Subscribe us for more stuff updates. Thanks!

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