Facebook, Google+ or Twitter- Which is Best for Newbies Bloggers?
For newbie bloggers, mainly three social sites bring traffic. Which are facebook, Google+ and twitter. So, today, I will talk about which one social site out of these three is best for bloggers. Not for newbie but also for bee…err sorry…Not for newbie but also for professional bloggers. Today, I will tell you by comparing, which is better for blogger blog. Remember- I am saying blogger so for only bloggers not word press users. Because word press is really very different from bloggers. How? WordPress’s some plugins make some thing possible that are not possible on blogger yet.
At starting, when a newbie start his blog, he never take care of SEO, design, daily posting. The only thing he cares is- how many peoples are reading his post. And, newbie get 100% of their blog traffic from social media sites which are facebook, twitter and Google+ (mainly Facebook). So, if you are also a newbie, then you will get answer of your question ‘In which social media, I should promote my blog most?’
Comparison #1- Widget For Blogger From Facebook, Google+ or Twitter
As you know, facebook, Google+ and Twitter, all these three the most famous social sites have created one-one widget for bloggers that they can place on their website or blog to promote their facebook page, facebook profile and blog content, Google+ page, Google+ profile or Twitter account. So let’s discuss which ones widgets are best.
Facebook Page Plugin:
- We can easily promote our facebook page using facebook’s created page plugin. Using this page plugin, our blog’s visitors can easily and quickly like our facebook fan pages.
- If they are logged in, they can like page’s post directly from the plugin.
- We can customize it using CSS.
- This plugin make blog’s loading speed poor.
- We can’t use it as a follow plugin.
- Facebook Page Plugin is not responsive.
Google+ Badge
- We can use it for profile pages and business pages,
- We can customize it using CSS,
- Visitors can easily give a +1 or follow the blog’s Google+ profile with one click.
- This plugin makes the blog’s loading speed poor,
- This plugin is not responsive which sometime hurt Google Pagespeed scores.
Twitter Feed Widget
- If visitor is logged in to his/her twitter account, he can retweet, follow, reply a tweet of blog’s twitter account with one click.
- This plugin not makes the website load poor.
- This plugin is responsive.
- Can be customized using CSS.
- Visitors can directly tweet to blog’s account from the webpage.
- Not shows the follower count.
So, after reading the advantages and disadvantages above, this is completely true, that twitter feed widget is better than facebook page plugin and Google+ badge.
Comparison #2- Which Social Site Bring Most Traffic for newbie blogs?
This time, we will discuss about which of these three social media – facebook, Google+ or Twitter bring most traffic for newbie blogs. And this time, the results are opposite. Let’s first talk about facebook-
- Anyone can be famous on Facebook in some years.
- Facebook is more crowded place comparing Google+ and Twitter.
- If a person have 5000 friends, this his every shared post will get 500+ views in one day.
- We can tag 100 friends per post.
- Getting famous in Twitter is much hard work.
- We cannot write a description of the post because you know the tweet words limit.
- We cannot tag more than 2 or 3 persons in a post because of tweets word limit.
- You can not send every person a direct message.
- Getting famous on Google+ is nor hard neither easy.
- If you are famous and have more than 1000 followers, your every post will get good number of pageviews in some hours.
- You can get good number of pageviews if you would join big communities and then share your every post into them.
I think you are shocked. Right? Why? Because this time, the results are totally opposite. Google+ & Facebook together beaten twitter. So, this time, Facebook won 1st prize, Google+ won second and twitter got nothing!
So Which is Best? Twitter or Facebook?
Now after reading all the comparisons, you are waiting for the results. Right? And, the result is, Facebook! Because, common peoples (not bloggers) very hardly join twitter or Google+ like social sites but you will find every and each person of your surroundings on Facebook. So, when you share a post, people around you fastly open to see what you posted.
Final Words
So, you now know which social site can bring bundles of traffic toward your blog. But if you want maximum traffic (not from any one social site) to your blog, my suggestion is- Share your blog on Pinterest, Google+, Twitter and Facebook. Because these are these most famous social site (don’t forget linkedin). If you will share your blog and posts to all of them, they will give Thank You!
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