
Releasing Google+ Badge Shortcode For Blogger!

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Have you heard? MBT, the most famous blogger blog introduced Blogger Shortcode Plugin. Adding codes were not as simple as today is. The most successful blogger Mohammad Mustafa Ahmadzai has created the shortcodes plugin.. MBT is continuously creating more shortcodes and publishing them one by one in their blog. So, today, your Blogger Guiders has created a fabulous shortcode for you by which, you can very easily add Google+ Badge anywhere on your blogger blog. You can add Google+ Badge on comments, sidebar, footer and between posts too! and the most best thing is: by just one line code! No more that ugly long codes.
We have created Google+ badge shortcode because today, this widget is mostly used in blog-o-sphere. In every blog, at least one Google+ badge is installed. So, we have created this Shortcode. Hope You’ll Like It!

How to add Google+ badge Shortcode on Blogger Blog?

We have divided the steps of adding Google+ Shortcode in two parts:

#1- Setting Up Shortcodes on Blogger

Firstly, we have to add Shortcode in Blogger Blog. For this, you have to add Shortcode JavaScript on your blog.

Steps are following:-
  • Go to Blogger Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML
  • Now, search for ‘</body>’ on your template and paste the following code above ‘</body>’
 <script src='https://googledrive.com/host/0B8acxOz46qBZUDRBZ0laRlU2NGc' type='text/javascript'/> 
  • Save you template and half of the work is Done!

#2- Adding Google+ Badge Using Shortcode on Blogger

Now, its time to add Google+ Badge on Blogger.
  • Anytime, you wish to add a Google+ badge, just use below line (after making changes):
[image src='http://s12.postimg.org/k0wggd5fx/Code.png' title='Shortcode format' alt='Shortcode format' width='auto' height='auto'/]
  • And then save your work and look at your blog. You will see that the above line will get changed into Google+ Badge

Supported Google+ Shortcode Attributes You Can Use:

Following are attributes that you can use to configure and customize the settings in shortcode.

Attribute Definition
Point to the ID of the person or page you are going to add Google+ Badge for.
Sets the width of the Google+ Badge you’re going to add. Default is 300px
Sets the height of the Google+ Badge you’re going to add. Default is auto
Sets the theme of the Google+ Badge. You can use ‘light’ or ‘dark’.
If you’re going to add a Person’s ID, then use ‘person’. If you’re going to add a page’s ID, then use ‘page’.
Use it as you use the html attribute ‘rel’.
Setting ‘true’ will show the tagline from the person’s or page’s profile or setting ‘false’ will not.

For example if you want to show tagline, set width and show them light in the format-

[image src='http://s12.postimg.org/k0wggd5fx/Code.png' width='auto' height='auto' alt='Shortcode' title='Shortcode'/]

Google  Shortcode

Need Help?

I hope you liked our first created shortcode for blogger. We will also create some more shortcodes for blogger. If you have any problem with the Google+ Badge Shortcode or any confusion, then kindly leave your problem in comments below. We will solve it in minutes. For more shortcodes, stay tune and subscribe us! Thanks!

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