
Bing Started Showing 'Mobile-friendly' Label on Mobile Search Engine

Mobile-FriendlyThis month, two major updates are processed by Google. First- Google’s Mobilegeddon which has increased the tension and decreased the traffic of blogger blogs which don’t have a nice mobile friendly template. Second- Google’s Secret Algorithm Update named as ‘Phantom’ came and decreased the traffic of how-to blogger blogs and other sites that have Spammy Pages in Good Percent in their blog and now Bing is ready with its new update. Actually, this one is not a really major update because it won’t affect much traffic of blogs but only start showing a ‘Mobile-Friendly’ label in its Search Results. The ‘Mobile-Friendly’ Label will be in Dark Grey color and only show in Mobile Devices like Android, iPhone and iOS.
However, this Bing’s Update will not be as drastic as Google’s Mobilegeddon. Bing’s algorithm update will not remove relevant results from its SERPs in favor of mobile-only results, for instance.Here’s what Bing mobile revelance team member Shyam Jayasankar said:
Our approach to mobile friendliness as a ranking signal balances the need to improve the ranking for mobile-friendly pages, with the continued focus on delivering the most relevant results for a given query
This means that for mobile searches on Bing, you can always expect to see the most relevant results for a search query ranked higher, even if some of them are not mobile-friendly. While the changes will improve ranking for mobile-friendly pages, Web pages that are highly relevant to the given query that are not yet mobile-friendly will not get penalized.
This change enables users to satisfy their information needs more quickly
Bing will release a tool related this in Bing Webmasters by which, Webmaster will be able to know how much their site is mobile friendly and if their site able to get this Mobile Friendly label? This tool will be released on next few weeks.

Factors upon which, Bing will apply the ‘Mobile-Friendly’ Tag

    • Cleanliness- The link, buttons, text and navigation should must have some appropriate spaces between them.
      • Readability- The text on the page must be large enough for easy reading without zooming or lateral scrolling. Both font size and viewport settings (defined in HTML tags) should be considered.
      • ScrollingWeb page content must fit within the device width. Vertical scrolling is fine, horizontal scrolling, however, hampers the ability to easily consume content. The fit should work for both portrait and landscape orientations.

        • Compatibility– The content needs to be compatible with the device. For example, do not use flash content — it does not work well on iOS devices. This also applies to videos that cannot be played on mobile devices due to plugin dependencies, copyright issues or distribution decisions made by the content owner.


        How to Get this Label Easily on Blogger Blogs?

        You must make your blogger blog’s template responsive. This will give you benefit from your visitors and from search engines too. But if you don’t have time or you are not ready to make your  blogger template responsive this time, then their is a easier way too to get this Mobile Friendly label on your blog’s link on Bing and the way is turning on Mobile Template from the Blogger Dashboard. We recommend you to use Dynamic Mobile template for Mobiles. To turn Mobile Template on, just go to your blogger Dashboard > Template and then look for ‘Mobile’ heading and then click on the Screw icon and Choose the First Option and click on Save Button. Done!

        READ MORE- How to Make Your Blogger Templates Responsive?

        Mobile Template

        Final Words from Author

        I hope you are going to make your blogger blog’s template responsive and also going to achieve good rankings for your blog. If you want any other assistance or help or if you confused with a term, just leave it on comments bellow. We’ll glad to hear something from you. Thanks!

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