
Instagram Is An Important Content Marketing Tool

From a simple  mobile app, Instagram has  grown to become one of  the biggest social networking
platforms of all time.With over 100 million active users per month, this social media platform cannot be ignored by content marketers anymore.Facebook – the largest social networking website in the world bought  Instagram for a whopping $1 billion and the Instagram app  integrates  perfectly with Facebook. As the app  also integrates well with other social media sites like Twitter,  effective content marketing on Instagram has the potential of improving social media marketing on platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Also, the rise of Instagram shows that people want more visual content than textual content.


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Instagram Marketing Tool

Visual marketing is becoming increasingly popular. People do not have the time or patience to read textual content and they prefer attractive and evocative pictures. Why spend a lot of time writing an article or describing a product when you can get the message across with the help of a beautiful picture on Instagram. Instagram also allows content creators to manipulate pictures without the help of graphic designers and advanced software and without having to know any programming languages.

Instagram users can take pictures and make them look like old Polaroid images by adding filters to images. With a few clicks, a boring image can be transformed into a stunning photo with the help of these filters. Such stunning images have much more of an impact on users when they see them than plain text articles. Pictures are much more memorable and users will be able to immediately associate your images on Instagram with your brand.

Most importantly, images are much more share worthy than textual content. Instagram users can instantly share your images on a range of other social media platforms if they like your images, which can help improve your brand awareness. Instagram essentially makes content marketing more visually appealing. It allows companies to communicate with their audiences with stunning images. Moreover, this app also allows content marketers and brands to create more user-generated content and to engage better with their customers.

     Read: How to Make Money by Selling Your Photographs

Instagram Marketing Tips

People go to Instagram to find beautiful, striking and original images that cannot be seen anywhere else on the Internet. People do not want stock images on Instagram – they want images that grab their attention immediately and makes them want to share the images with their friends. So the most important Instagram rule for content marketers is to post original, beautiful and highly creative images on Instagram. Here is a list of other important tips content marketers need to follow on Instagram:

Use images to explain company history

Why write a boring article on how your company was founded and how it has progressed through the years when you can use images to tell your company’s story. You can create a picture series using pictures of your first office, initial group of employees, important milestones, etc. to show people how your company has grown.

Be spontaneous and provide exclusive content

Instagram is all about taking images on-the-go. Users love Instagram as it allows users to take gritty, candid shots and making them look beautiful. So don’t spend a lot of time editing and manipulating pictures on Instagram. Also, avoid pictures that look too posed. Give your followers candid images from company events or behind-the-scenes images of employees. With your images on Instagram, you can give people a sneak-peek of what goes on in the background.

Reward followers

Acknowledge your best users on Instagram by showcasing their images on your company’s Instagram account. Followers who share and tag your images regularly deserve your appreciation for all their hard work. This also allows you to create and publish user-generated content. You can also find images of people using your products and feature them on your account.

Use hash tags and tags wisely

Hash tags – popularized by Twitter – can be used on Instagram too. Hashtags makes its easier for users to find relevant content on Instagram, so make sure that you use the right hashtags. You can also have brand specific hashtags that you can use frequently so that Instagram users can associate these hashtags with your brand easily. Instagram has just launched its tagging feature that allows users to tag images directly rather than use hashtags in comments. Encourage your followers to tag your company in relevant images and you also need to ensure that you are using relevant tags for your images.

About the author
Jessica Davis is a Content Strategy Specialist with Godot Media – a leading writing services company. She works closely with other website writers helping online businesses refine their strategy through optimum use of content. Her other interests, besides social media management, internet marketing and search engine optimization, are technology, sports and fashion.
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