
Why Design Your Site For Mobile Platforms

Designing a site for mobile platforms should never be an afterthought, with mobile optimization becoming increasingly important.More and more people are accessing  the Internet on their phones, and are often looking for particular content or local services.Neglecting these  potential  audiences, and not going down the route of specializing your website, can mean that you fail to stay in line with the many companies that have already created mobile platforms sites,or that have optimized their sites using responsive design to make them more accessible to phones. Looking  at  these areas in more detail, it’s  possible to reinforce why designing a site for mobile platforms is so crucial.

Mobile Website Design

Why Need to Design Website for mobile platforms

Larger Potential Audiences and Specialisation

In general, mobile sites reach out to a growing audience of people that are using their  smartphones to browse and making purchases online. The kind of audience that can be found through mobiles may also be one that will remain loyal to a high quality site if they know that can receive a consistent level of service from it on a daily basis. The mobile audience is one that is growing all the time, and can’t be ignored as faster 4G speeds, and competitive prices for data storage and different speeds mean that websites will be able to provide more dynamic features.

A mobile version of a site can also be effective at breaking down your main website to be more specialised, and more able to deliver rapid conversions. A mobile site tends to be more driven by simple tasks and essential content, and can also be based around particular apps that deliver more interaction and opportunities for customers to access targeted content. The demographic profile of early mobile Internet users also tends towards those that already spend significant amounts online, and can continue to do so when on the go with their phones or tablets.

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Responsive Design

When putting together a mobile version of a site, it’s important to recognise that you don’t necessarily have to design a completely new site, but rather that you can use responsive design to make a site work across different platforms. Responsive design uses CSS and other programming tools to ensure that a site will appear at the correct resolution and size depending on what device is being used to view it. Web developers can program a site to be more responsive, in this way, with the benefit of preventing users from getting frustrated with information not being accessible.

Better SEO

Not developing a site for mobile is also questionable when you consider the major Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) benefits that it brings. SEO can identify keywords that can be placed onto mobile sites, as well as links and prominent content that can be used to boost positions in a search. Having a mobile site, or a site that’s optimised for mobile, can allow you to tailor your business for mobile search engine queries, as well as for localised searches - getting in ahead of rivals on a local basis can help to build brand loyalty.

Improved Social Networking

Sites designed for mobiles also work well as a way of integrating social media and networking strategies for a business. Mobile platforms sites emphasise interaction, as well as up to date news and feeds from Twitter and other social networks; being able to make this content part of a site, but in a more prominent way on a mobile, can ultimately help to strengthen the connection between customers and a brand.

Rob James is an online marketer, if you are looking for website design in Bristol he recommends Deep Blue Sky.  Rob can be found blogging about a variety of technology related subjects, including computer hardware, mobile apps, web development, and SEO techniques.
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