
Web Design Techniques to Impress Your Visitors

Creating  beautiful and unique websites seems to get easier because of the numerous web design options with fresh and innovative techniques that are coming up. A web designer must be up to date with the advances in web design, constantly challenged to create excellent outputs. After all, the web design is something visitors consider before deciding if they will stay on your site  to read more about  you. If you don’t get their  attention,  then the  entirety of your website may never see the light of day.Below are several techniques and design elements you can implement into your designs to create a polished website. Choose the ones you  think would make your website beautiful  and combine them to create a fresh new look.


Web Design Techniques

Vivid Colors

Using bright colors in your web design can grab the user’s attention right away. They work best for site that targets a younger audience. Vivid colors make a cohesive appearance and keeps things from looking busy. They are easy on the eyes, allowing users to browse the site longer. Because of this, you can easily transmit your message and have more chances of impressing your visitors through your products or services.

Lighting and Gradient Effects

You can use lighting and gradient effects for drama or subtlety. You can mix them or use separately. Playing with different colored lighting and gradient effects can eventually give you a good combination. A tone-on-tone gradient as a background mixed with lighting effects creates beautiful header images. Be careful when mixing gradients with lighting effects, as they can make your site look crowded. Limit the colors used, the intensity of the lighting effects, and the overall area of the effects.


Transparent boxes look good especially when placed over interesting backgrounds. Use transparent boxes so users can notice your site’s background. They give your background a larger part in your site’s design, making them dominant when seen onscreen. One thing to avoid, though, is having transparent boxes over texts. This can distract users and make it hard for them to read your website’s content.

Muted Colors

Muted colors make your website look refined and more inviting. Mixing in muted colors with one or two brighter or darker colors can make certain website elements stand out. Muted colors can be shades of grey and brown or different colors toned down with a grayish element. Use them around website elements that you want to pop out of the screen.

Watercolor Effects

Using watercolor effects in headers, backgrounds, and other elements of a website is an effective design trend. Watercolor elements are good because they can be adjusted to your desired outcome. Make delicate watercolor effects with light colors of low transparency. Create striking watercolor effects with dark colors of full transparency.

Photorealistic Backgrounds

Photo-realistic backgrounds are multiple photographs that appear real but are actually digital or computer generated. Some computer generated photorealistic backgrounds use shadow and lighting effects to make an illusion of layers. This generates interest and intrigue to the users.

Make use of your business website to promote your brand. Do so with interesting, eye- catching, and effective web designs. Companies like WeezLabs that specialize on web design can help you incorporate elements that will make your website look professional and appealing. These experts have the knowledge to know what effects would work for what type of websites. They have the skills to carry out these effects successfully.

Author’s Bio
Umar Bajwa works for WeezLabs, a Web Design and Development Company Located in Los Angeles. Where I specialize in SEO and contribute to the online marketing. I enjoy writing about Web Design and search engine marketing including SEO and PPC.
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