
SEO and Internet Marketing Work Hand in Hand

Sometimes it helps to go back to the basics.Ever since Google came of the scene with its search engine, it changed the world we knew definitively, and the two overused terms in the new definitive world are SEO and Internet  Marketing (IM). Those who understood these terms deeply have gone on to become millionaires while others are still lingering behind trying to decipher the SEO and IM code.


SEO and Internet Marketing Work Hand in Hand

SEO and IM are like a treasure hunt. There are a lot of clues left behind by previous seekers and those who can assimilate all the clues, discard the wrong clues and move forward to reveal the treasure are the real SEO and IM treasure hunters. In the online world, no business or even a blog can exist without internet marketing and search engine optimization. Every one of us is warring to become the top search engine position holder for a keyword or group of keywords. Clearly, when SEO and internet marketing cannot exist without each other, let’s see how we can use them to gain maximum advantage.
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Create a Kickass Landing Age

The end purpose of an online business or blog is to gain monetary returns. To feed this objective, it is necessary to have a kickass landing page to turn visitors into conversions. You could either promote your own product or an affiliate product. Excellent marketing skills are needed here. Anyone can create a landing page but how many of them are able to earn? Not many! Therefore, if you have commendable SEO skills and Internet marketing knowledge, try creating product specific landing pages, optimize it and earn.

Get Marketing for Free

Optimization and marketing do not have to be paid always. There are a lot of ways where you can market a website for free; free in terms of money, not time. In fact, since no money is involved, free marketing is going to take a lot more of your time. The use of classified ad posting sites, article submissions, internet marketing forum browsing, use of question answer networks and press releases are some free marketing strategies. These are important because search engine don not only display domain based results. It also displays subsidiary results like those methods above. For instance, if you are searching for ‘blogging tips’, not only will you see ‘bloggingtips.com’ on top but its Twitter account, Facebook ages, sites where bloggingtips.com is quoted, its press release submissions and much more. The reason this happens is due to their keyword optimization.

Therefore, if you want optimum utilization of free marketing methods, create some ad copies with image and keyword, and upload them on free classified sites. Create a press release and submit the same on twenty-five press release networks. Be active on internet marketing forums and networks like Yahoo! Answers to help other people and sharing site links. Get hold of original or rewritten content and publish them on article directories. You need to repeat the process every few weeks to keep on benefiting.

Collaborate with Other Internet Marketers

Drawing upon our previous analogy, the best way to get to the treasure is to collaborate with previous treasure hunters. While they will never tell the exact way, they will guide you in the right direction and all you have to do is figure the rest of the clues yourself. Internet marketing works in the same way. All the internet marketing millionaires will not share their secrets but some of them will readily collaborate with you on your journey. Do not let the opportunity pass. Getting help from other experts is one of the best ways to learn about SEO and IM, and how to use both the methods to get some returns.

One is Incomplete without the Other

What is SEO without Internet marketing, and vice versa? Nothing! Both of them have to coexist to get some worthy returns. You may have used all the available on-site SEO technics but if you don’t market the site, what good is there? Similar, you may be an experienced and skilled online marketer but if the site for promotion does not have any substantial SEO value, what good is there? Therefore, before starting any online venture, know both about SEO and Internet marketing. Or, if you have the budget, outsource the task to a reliable agency.

Lastly, remember that both these factors are always evolving as the world of Internet grows with every second. The rules that applied a decade back may be redundant today, or, a rule that fifty marketers are using may not be applicable for your site. The moot point is that there are no generic SEO and Internet marketing rules. Each has its significance and they must work hand in hand to gain results. In the meantime, we, the treasure hunters, have to keep track of changing rules of clues and find the treasure accordingly. 

Article Author:
Priyanka Arora is a professional blogger and an internet marketing strategist. She is helping online marketers to generate popularity and sales through free online classifieds. She is currently working with wohho.com – a free classified site in India where you can search and post free classifieds ads for real estate, marketing, business promotion etc.
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