
Important Aspects of SEO

It is important to know the technical aspects of SEO, as well as just how important they really are when it comes to a site’s ranking. Knowing and understanding these things allow site designers and owners to have peace of mind that everything “under the hood” is working properly.


Important Aspects of SEO

The Coding of the Site

The HTML code on the site needs to be in good working order. Those who have blogging type sites need to make sure that the code used, regardless of the style, is SEO friendly. Most of the themes available today are ready for SEO, but some designers who are new to the field and working in HTML might not be creating sites that are up to standards. It is always best to work with a designer who has some experience.

The Site’s Tags

One has to be extremely careful with all of the tags used in the site as well. The meta tags are still vital for a site today. The tag will hold quite a bit of information about the page, and this, along with the title tag, will help the page to have a decent ranking.Using keywords in the tags is always a good idea, but it is important to make sure that the keywords used are right for the page.


One also has to make sure that the formatting is correct throughout all of the text on the site. If it is not, it could well lead to issues with the keywords. The search endings that find a jumbled mess of formatting will not likely be able to locate the right keywords.

URL and Domain Name

The URL, or uniform resource link, and the domain name, are other important factors in SEO that many do not realize. One wants the URL of the different pages to be short and to the point, and it is important to make sure that the company has a domain name that is exactly their name, or as close to it as possible. This will help the search engines, and it will help those who are looking for a specific site.

It is important that companies, even small companies, choose top-level domains too. A top-level domain would be something such as www.mycompany.com, whereas a sub-domain would be www.random.mycompany.com. This is going to make it more difficult for people to find the site.


One of the areas that many people do not even consider when they think about the technical aspects of SEO is the navigation. A site’s menu and navigation is quite important though. The bots and crawlers that come through the site are going to use the navigation to make their way around. Those who have poor systems set up will find that the bots cannot do a full sweep of the site, and this means that they are going to index the page. Choosing text links is better than photo links on buttons, as it will be easier for the bots to crawl. It will still be possible for the site to have some stylized buttons, but those buttons need to be in properly formatted code rather than an actual image.

It is always a good idea to make sure that a qualified and experienced professional is working on the behind the scenes aspect of a site’s SEO. The coders and webdesigners will be able to take care of the technical aspects, while writers will be able to create the site’s content with the right keyword density. It takes help from all different areas to make sure that a site is truly SEO ready.

Veronica Clyde is a tech writer at VPNServices.net – a place where you can read reviews about the best VPN providers. If interested, check out a IPVanish review
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