
5 Crazy Offline Ways For Your Blog Promotion

Most of the bloggers share you the online ways like using social sites, forums etc for your  blog promotion. Here I want to share you some offline ways for your blog promotion. I don’t guarantee you will get tons of visitors in a day using these ways. But some what these methods will increase  your blog visitors.So let’s start.


Offline Ways For  Blog Promotion


1. Street Wall

This is the effective way for your blog promotion. How to do,I will tell you. First make a simple poster with your blog URL and appealing title and description. Then find the street where daily lots of people walks. Stick that poster on the wall of the street. Its obvious many people will see that poster. If you have given effective title and description on your poster then without doubt they will check your blog URL when they reach home. If your blog has good content then they will be your regular visitors.

2. Public Toilet

Yes, public toilet is another good place for your blog promotion. I have seen in our country’s public toilet people are writing different thing on the toilet wall. So you can also make use of it. Leave your blog URL on the wall of public toilet. Some curious guys may check your blog URL to know more about your blog.

3. Mouth Promotion

Another good way for your blog promotion. Tell something good about your blog to your friends and encourage them to visit the blog. Also you can try this method to strange people (They may think you have become crazy, that you are sharing something to strange people but that’s not a big deal because you are already crazy in blogging J ).To clear their curiousness they will surely check your blog.

4. Use Cyber

Visit the different cyber station and try to set your blog as the homepage in the browser of every computer. Because daily lots of people use the cyber station computers. When they open the browser, automatically they will land to your blog homepage. If they found your blog interesting and helpful then they will never mind to visit back your blog next time.

5. Newspaper Ads

If you are able to spend some cash for your blog then Newspaper ads can be the good way for your blog promotion. Select the Newspaper that has lots of readers and subscribers. Make your blog ads interesting like “Online Earning Tips-Your Blog URL” and give the ads to run on the Newspaper and see the changes.

These are some of the offline ways for your blog promotion to increase your blog traffic. If have some other ways then please share with us on Comment box.

About Author:

Santosh Shah is the founder of GulmiResunga.com, blog related to Blogging Tips & Widget, Tech Updates and Many More. He loves blogging. You can find hime on @ShahSantosh
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