
Top Link Building Strategies for New Sites

If you have just set up your first   website then  you are probably wondering how   to   have it ranked on Google. The process is not easy, and the task is long. If you try to get your website ranked on  the  first page of Google within the  first  few  months  then   Google will   punish you later on  down  the line (or  within 2 months  of  you ranking  highly  if  you are  unlucky).  Google do  give a few  passive  tips on  how  a  new  starter can begin the journey, but  this  article  builds  on  that to help you continue climbing up the search engine results page.


Google tells all new starters to take part

They want all new starters to take part in the online community. They want you to comment on blogs, on articles, and talk in forums. You need to go a step further and start making online acquaintances. You need to start saying hello and chatting with people who can help your SEO. You are looking for people who you can share reciprocal SEO benefits with. For example, you can reciprocally "Like" each other's fan page. You can comment on each other’s blogs, or set up reciprocal links.

Start uploading 5-10 articles per week

There are a lot of article sites out there, and some of them have low quality standards, which means that even if you are a bad writer, there are still article sites that will accept your submissions. If you want to get onto some of the better sites such as Squidoo and Ezine, then you should hire a writer or two. Uploading 5-10 articles per week should help you to get your link-average up. After between 3-4 months you can lower the amount of articles you upload every week. Doing this is going to create a nice foundation of links for your website, so that you can get off of the bottom rung of the
Google search engine results (and Bing/Yahoo).

Make sure that you link to different pages

When you are setting up your link campaign, do not make the mistake of linking to your home page. You need to link to different pages with each link. Uploading as many as ten articles with links per week may seem excessive, but if you have 80 pages, it is going to take you at least seven weeks before every page has at least one link pointing towards it. Plus, do not forget that some links will break and you will have to set up new links.

Link to your sitemap at least once per week

This is not the XML. sitemap that you set up to submit to search engines. This is the sitemap that your users can see. If you link to it at least once per week, then you are helping the search engines to crawl all of your linked pages. This is especially handy if you are adding new pages on a regular basis. It is also good if you are updating your pages frequently (as you should).

Guest blog post at least once per month

Hire a writer to write you two very specific articles. These must be on a subject that isdear to the heart of your website users. You then need to find a few high Page Ranking blogs and submit your idea for a guest post to them. Hopefully you can negotiate to allow you to post your article(s) and link to your website. It is a good idea to have two written, just incase nobody wants to publish your first attempt (you will have a backup piece). Do a little research and find some high-ranking blogs that often accept submissions from guest posters. Link to a page that you would really like to see highly ranked, such as your home page, your favorite landing page, or a popular product page. Just make sure that the anchor text for the link, and the article you have written, has some sort of relation to the page you link to (e.g. an article on chicken welfare that links to your site that sells eggs, etc). Add a keyword or two into the article too, to give it a bit of extra kick.

Written by Sonia Jackson from online tutoring service.
write for bloggertrix, check our guest posting guidelines

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