
Creative Ways to Earn Money Online this 2013

In today’s  world   the  internet is  becoming   the most effective  method   to make   money.  Across the globe people are making millions by     functioning  from their homes   via    the   internet.  People   have   used  their inspiration  to  make  money  by   optimally  using  the resources  available  on  the net.  The internet provides numerous  opportunities  to  make  money.  In the year
2013  making  money  via  the internet will be slightly different   from   the   previous      years,   as   people’s purchasing behavior is changing and   more people are using the electronic media to conduct business.


Given below are a couple of clever methods by which one can make money online in 2013:

  • * Trade photographs - Good quality photographs are in great demand especially now as more
        and more businesses require photos for their web sites. Get a good digital camera and take 
        interesting snaps of landscapes, babies, weddings, family occasions, etc. Tag these photos
        with meaningful explanations and upload them to stock photograph web sites like iStock,
        Shutterstock, etc.
  • * Earn income by tweeting for sponsors - Twitter is a very popular social media internet site
       that businesses use to promote their goods and services. SponsoredTweets.com is an online
       platform on Twitter which allows one to earn an income by charging the sponsors for
       tweeting their marketing messages for them. The tweeter can choose the keywords, the
       category, the amount to be paid, etc and thus has full control over his/her account.
  • * Blogging for income - Start a blog and write about one’s area of expertise. Every idea,
       however vague or unimportant it may seem to the blogger has a place in the blogging world.
       Revenues will come in the form of advertisements, product recommendations, etc. Another
       way to make money through blogs is to write for blog owners who do not have the time to
       create regular blog posts.
  • * Affiliate products selling - A good writer can sell affiliate products with creative advertising
       methods and thus earn income from the internet.
  • * Publishing an e-Book - Convert your knowledge into an e-book and publish it on web sites
       like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, etc. Commission rates are about 70% for every
       purchase. Provide virtual assistance – Online businesses have many jobs like marketing,
       customer support, etc. that they outsource to virtual assistants who can do these jobs from
       their homes and earn money for it.
  • * Rent out one’s talents – Designers, writers and translators can use Elance, Ezine, 99Designs,
       Freelancer and iWriter, etc. or make a web page to showcase their talent and get clients from
       across the globe.
  • * Sell unwanted stuff - eBay, Amazon, Craigslist, etc. can be used to make some money from
       the unwanted stuff in one’s home.
  • * T-shirts designing – Online stores like CafePress allow one to upload creative and  
        innovatively designed t-shirts to their web site. One can also contact distributors like
       design by humans.com, threadless.com, etc.
  • * Monetize the YouTube with comedy and how-tos - YouTube has started a comedy and
       how-to series to monetize videos being uploaded to YouTube. Uploading any funny videos
       and how-tos can help generate income.
  • * Direct marketing via the internet – While direct marketing was traditionally done via coffee
       shop chats, hotel conferences, telephone call, follow-ups via postcards, etc., today this can be
       achieved through internet marketing.
  • * SEO specialist – As more businesses are using the internet to market and advertise their
       products the need for search engine optimization specialists, who can build web pages and
       web sites and critically assess the web sites, also increases. Since SEO is continuously
       evolving one should always remain updated to be able to offer good advice to the clients.

While one can make money via the internet using these resourceful methods, the key to succeeding in this venture is to first get started and then patiently and constantly follow it up and most importantly do never give up.

Heather Protz, a freelance writer for USAheadlines.com - a site that offers full home security to help
protect your family. usaheadlines.com
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